
The world smallest EDFA, pOA+ is a full-functioning EDFA module with the control circuit packaged inside. It is designed for a single wavelength applications in full extended c-band fiber optic communications system in core networks, access networks, or CATV networks. The pOA+, OFA-TCQ series provides very stable output power up to in C-band over the wide operating temperature range.
- Ultra compact size (59 x 16 x 7.5 mm )
- Full functional EDFA module including micro process control circuit
- Including VOA, TOF, VOA+TOF, GFF (Optional)
- Automatic wavelength searching and locking function (Optional)
- Including Input Monitor and Input Isolator (Optional)
- Extremely low power consumption over wide operating temperature range
- Wide operating wavelength range
- Wide settable output power range
- APC (Automatic Power Control) with FLS (Forced Laser Shutdown)
- Control & monitoring by I2C
- LVTTL Alarm
- Single + 3.3 V power supply
- Optimized for integration into 100 Gbps coherent CFP & CPF2 modules
- Loss Compensation for active optical modules
- Signal loss compensation in switch matrix
- Power equalization and Pre-emphasis Amplifier for DWDM Metro System
- 2.5G/10G/40G/100G Channel Amplifier
- SONET/SDH system
- OADM access networks
- CATV System